Saturday, April 12, 2014

Panel Movement

Using a mBed and an i2c pwm controller, we have been able to move the panel based on two parameters: the direction in degrees on the unit circle, and the depth in degrees on a perpendicular plane.

We used an LPC1768 mBed and Adafruit PWM Servo Driver board to control the two servos connected to the panel.


//input an angle between -90 and +90
//n = pwm channel to change
//angle = angle to rotate to
//pulse = # ticks/4096 * frequency -> pwm duty cycle
//pwmDutyVar = servo center calibration variable
void setServoAngle(uint8_t n, float angle) {
    if(angle >= -90 && angle <=90){
        float pulse = angle*2 + pwmDutyVar;
        pwm.setPWM(n, 0, pulse);
    else {
        pc.printf("Angle out of range/r/n");
double degTan (double deg) {
    return tan(deg *3.14/180);
   //input an angle betweeen 0 and 359 and a depth angle
void setPanelAngle(int panel, double angle, double depth) {
    int servox = 2*panel;
    int servoy = servox +1;
    double   posx = 1/abs(degTan(angle));
    double posy = abs(degTan(angle));
    if((angle >45 && angle < 135)||(angle > 225 && angle < 315)) {
        posx = (int) 1/abs(degTan(angle));
         posy = (int) abs(degTan(angle));
  //  pc.printf("posx:%f\r\n",posx);
    if(posy > 1) {
           posy = depth;
    else {
         posy = posy*depth;
    if (posx > 1) {
        posx = depth;
    else {
        posx = depth*posx;
        //pc.printf("depth: %f, angle: %f, tan: %f, abs: %f, 1/abs:%f\r\n",depth, angle, degTan(angle), abs(degTan(angle)), posx);
    if(angle >=0 && angle <180) {  //set y
    else {
    if (angle <270 && angle >=90) { //setx
    else {

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